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My sport Nautique did this same thing last summer when my circulation pump went out. It was making noise too though. There's a plate on the back of the pump that lost its seal when the bearings on the pulley failed allowing the pump to flop around. This loss of seal allowed a bunch of water to get pumped in the boat from the rwp. $150 later and I was back on the water the next weekend. My boat is a 92 and my impeller was perfect in my raw water pump. I don't know how the newer boats are plumbed but they might still have a circulation pump.
Thank you guys. I'm out here checking everything that is a possible air leak culprit now. I'm hoping its that, as it worked perfectly till I did all of the maintenance stuff on it. I used a Jabsco impeller, which is the same 1 and part # as the impeller I pulled out of it. If I cant find any air leaks I will probably try another brand new impeller and thermostat, obviously 1 at a time so I know what the cause was.
Are you sure you have the orientation of the raw water pump correct after replacing the impeller? The cam screw should face inward towards the block.
Just changed my impeller and old rubber ring was flat...new one rounded...I just assumed old one was worn out. Are some flat.? Mine didn't come with flat.
Just changed my impeller and old rubber ring was flat...new one rounded...I just assumed old one was worn out. Are some flat.? Mine didn't come with flat.