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1989 Ski Nautique 2001 carb and electrical issues.
Awesome! I have a 87' that I've spent some time "under the hood on" restoring it. I have found that simplicity is the answer to most problems on these models. I made the switch over to electric ignition years ago and it is a night and day difference. I would recommend this high on the priority list. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask. Like I've said, I have basically rebuilt my 87' from the stringers up. Its to bad the 2001 website is no more, that was a great source of info on these boats.
The 2001 models are some fun boats to own and operate. I've had mine up for sale on and off for the last 6 months and I find myself purposely taking the add down because she's almost like family...
Taylormoto, I can't remember what part number I got and it's been a few years honestly. If you call the people at Skidim.com they will be able to help you out. They have the parts and can identify what you need based on your engine and what distributor you are running.