you can check that you are getting fire to the plug with a simple timing light. as the current flows to the plug, the light will flash. simple check to make sure it is actually firing.
When you say the fuel pump is cycling, do you mean both the LP & HP pumps? You could dump a little fuel in the intake and see if it fires, if it does open the FCC, if it is not full of fuel it is likely the LPP. You will also want to check the relays as well.
I had a very similar problem and it turned out to be the the fuel pump relay, $11 part from napa
Sent from my SM-G950U using PLT Nautique mobile app
GT40 starting and immediate stall is typical when the Low Pressure Pump is dying. One way to trick it is to keep the ignition switch in the full forward position after it initially starts and keep it there past the point where you hear it start for about two to three more seconds.
Sent from my iPhone using PLT Nautique
I figured out my problem. I had disassembled the boat to do my floor and when I put the tank back, I crossed the return and feed lines to the pumps. So, I was pulling from the return line long enough until the tank ran low and the line could no longer pull fuel from the return line. Once I swapped the lines, it started up after two tries. I'm just thankful that it wasn't something serious and/or I couldn't figure out.