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Simple Green is a pretty amazing cleaner, actually. It tackles a lot of different messes quite well. Sure, you can wash the engine, but there are a couple of places you don't want water to go. The distributor and air intake/carburetor. Outside of that, clean away!
For engines Iv only ever had good luck with a karosene spray down, let it soak for a few minutes and then wash off with a stream of water. If you use simple green make sure to mix with plenty of water before spraying on your engine or any aluminum. It will etch the aluminum if too concentrated and left on too long, Iv done that multiple times. The foaming engine cleaners you can get at auto parts stores need to be used according to the instructions, Iv used several brands and more than once ended up with a dried white film of residue which is either dried cleaner or a chemical reaction between it and aluminum surfaces as a result of not following directions. Karosene followed by water rinse is the only fool proof method Iv come across (until I light myself on fire cleaning my truck engine, knock on wood).