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With old school, single coil systems, I use just the basic plug. I had thought sometimes the fancy platinum ones don't burn properly.
From the pictures, it seems like something might still be off with the mixture or plugs (carbon fouled).
Yeah still not running right. check out this video. If I ease into the throttle it runs ok. At the :48 mark, i gas it a little harder and it starts shaking and popping. I let off a bit and it starts running normal again. I decided i'll take it in to a local guy who can hook up to the computer and hopefully be able to figure it out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IrCjuapiiQ
have you drained your fuel yet or are you just gonna continue running that **** fuel and expect different results
I have not done that yet. It's one of the things that I need to do at least to eliminate that possibility. I just don't see it fitting my symptoms. But i will do it
Not sure if it could have been my entire problem? But I changed my thermostat(that was stuck open) and I think my problem is gone. Could it have been that simple? I thought my temp gauge wasn't working but it was just never getting up to temp