Put boat in water now temp is supposed to be in mid 20's in a couple of nights.Any advice on keeping it warm enough? Small electric heater ok to use? Any idea's welcome.
You need wattage to keep it warm... may want a few strands of lights.
Or a single larger bulb (like 100W).
Also, dropping it in the water is a good idea.
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I've heard several folks use an old or inexpensive electric blanket and have had great luck with them.
Sent from my iPhone using PLT Nautique
There should be a rubber hose coming from the intake manifold and the water pump, remove whichever one you can (manifold is usually easier) and blow thru it with your lungs, water should come out the adjacent drain you removed the blue plug from.
Originally posted by Quinner View PostThere should be a rubber hose coming from the intake manifold and the water pump, remove whichever one you can (manifold is usually easier) and blow thru it with your lungs, water should come out the adjacent drain you removed the blue plug from.Current: 2017 G23
Previous: 2012 210 TE (former PN boat), 2005 210 TE, 2001 X-Star