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Try Nautique Parts - use the PND discount code, then take yours to a good prop shop and have it repaired so you have a spare, a good prop shop can fix nearly any ding.
Better place in the country...valley propeller! Seriously, it is great to have reliable options. I just went with an Acme 2965 17.5 x 19.5 with a g23/550.
Bryan at valley propeller not only gives you a discount on Acme but every prop you buy is a "test". If you don't like it return it no prob.
The 2965 is his recommendation. Excited to try it.
I just traded two old props, couldn't use either because they didn't have enough stump pulling, to PropMD and then purchased a new prop from them with free shipping so, I've got a new prop for around $150.
I've used ACME for repairs twice now... My suggestion is if you have to send it off to be repaired anyway why not send it back to ACME since they will no doubt be the most knowledgeable on THEIR product. Both times I had my prop back within a week and cost was on par if not cheaper than my local options. Just an option.
If your near Cincy..... Delta Propeller in Cleaves has done a great job bringing my acme back to like new several times after log hits.
How often have you or others hit logs (or even just sticks for that matter) over the course of a season? The lake I moved to is fed by a creek and we always have debri in the lake after any sort of rain. I must've went to the prop repair shop 4 times last year!
I keep my boat at Norris but live in the Cincy area and have used Delta Prop 3 times in the last 9 years........ always happens when trying to get an early start to the season and the lake is at full pool. Lots of debris just under the surface. Have been thankful it has just been prop damage and not a body part.
Another vote for PropMD. They're local to me, so is an easy choice, but their repairs have been absolutely flawless, turn-around is very quick, and price is good.
If I recall correctly, I don't think Acme repairs props in-house, I think they actually send them out for repairs much like a dealer would.