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Just skimmed through here so might have been covered already but did you verify your main intake ball valve was open (if your boat has one) where the fake a lake is attached. Not sure if you said your getting no water at all or just water to your pump. If no water at all check that intake ball valve and verify your fake a lake is on the engine water intake pickup and not a ballast water intake pickup.
When I replaced my impeller I also replaced the thermostat. When I did I found that pieces of an old impeller plugged up in the port of the thermostat housing going to the risers on the exhaust manifolds.
Well just tried the bucket challenge and it works, from fake a lake to filter is clear but just will not suck up water from there.. any ideas? Test it at the lake maybe?? Also, the intake if you are looking at the back of the boat is on the left? Was in my moomba.. and what is the ball valve? Thx guys
Here's a pic of the tranny cooler. This is from a GT40. If you have the Excalibur it might be a little longer than this one. But you can see there's plenty of room for clogging in there. Pretty sure this is inbetween your water filter and water pump could be wrong though... this would be the only point of blockage to your raw water pump from your filter where you said you do have water?
I actually thought it might be that too but that is after where I tried the bucket test, so it is from the fake a lake, past the vdrive then water filter then I put the bucket then the transmission cooler, then the water pump. So it would have to be before the water filter. Appreciate all the help
I actually thought it might be that too but that is after where I tried the bucket test, so it is from the fake a lake, past the vdrive then water filter then I put the bucket then the transmission cooler, then the water pump. So it would have to be before the water filter. Appreciate all the help
hmmm not sure I'm following what your describing is happening with the bucket test but if your saying "it has to be before the water filter" as in the plug is before the water filter then I'd say your ball valve is off because that's the only component inbetween your way pickup on bottom of hull and your water filter.
Just a thought if it hasn't been resolved yet but my thermostat seized on my 2002 last year that had very similar symptoms to what your describing. Replaced the thermostat, good to go.
So in this picture, you removed the strainer all together and the clear hose is sucking out of a bucket, through the trans cooler and then to the pump? And it worked and sucked the water very quickly? If that is the case, the only thing left is the shut off for the water intake, or there was a massive air leak in one of the strainer connections. Check the ball valve, in the open position the handle would be parallel to the fitting.