99 sport nautique - 'launch control' ballast ... HALP

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  • ljonSF
    • Jun 2015
    • 15

    • SF

    • 1999 CC sport nautique

    99 sport nautique - 'launch control' ballast ... HALP

    hope you're all having a great Memorial day wknd!!

    so was just hoping to finally figure out my ballast tank filling/ not filling issue on my 99 sport..

    when i open the seacock in the bilge by the motor, and the vents by the throttle/helm.. & i'm under-way... the tanks are only partially/ unevenly filling..

    i know there's a crazy long thread from way back on this issue. pretty sure Ive read it twice. just hoping someone familiar with this boat can help me cut 2 the chase.

    I'm pretty sure the prev. owner swapped out the 'flow wrong' valves at the top of both tanks with these brass ones (pics).. are they just one way flapper type valves?

    also only getting slight mili-volt / voltage jump when i hit the toggle switch for the fill/ empty ballast pumps.. and not sure what breaker on the dash (if any) is wired to them..

    anyways if anyone knows exactly what I'm talking about and can help me get it working (quick fix even) I'd sure be grateful. and maybe even wake surfing!

    thank you!!!!


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  • surroundsound64
    1,000 Post Club Member
    • Jul 2005
    • 2147

    • Longview, TX

    • 2018 230 1981 Ski Nautique

    If you aren't getting close to 12V to the pumps, you probably have a pump problem and the partial and uneven fill is strictly due to ram filling under way.

    Also, the handles on the brass valves need to be in line with the line. In other words, when the handle is at the 90 degree position, the flow is off.
    2018 SAN 230
    1981 Ski Nautique
    Sold - 2011 Sport 200V
    Sold - 2000 SAN


    • ljonSF
      • Jun 2015
      • 15

      • SF

      • 1999 CC sport nautique

      right I'm aware the image shows inlet valve in off pos.. hmm that kinda makes sense, water can't pass through the pumps.. maybe i can just bypass for now till I figure out the voltage problem..


      • rpaldrich
        • Jul 2016
        • 21

        • Virginia Beach, VA

        • 1998 Sport Nautique PCM GT40

        Hey ljon SF,

        Are you verifying the fill level via the gauges on the dash? There may be a problem with the sender and you are actually full, even with the attwood pumps not working. Those pumps look a lot like mine, and mine were shot. You can open them up and try spinning the impeller by hand. You may find that it has lots of "gritty" feel and may not turn at all. That being said, the water should still fill the tanks (at least it does in mine even with two non-working pumps).

        What do you mean you are getting only slight voltage jump when you hit the pumps? Also, those valves on the top look like mine, and I think mine are factory. Let us know what you do, those pumps are only ~25 bucks at walmart.

        1998 Sport Nautique


        • ljonSF
          • Jun 2015
          • 15

          • SF

          • 1999 CC sport nautique

          ok so realize now mine never had the 'flow wrong' valves. (not till 02/03?) so on top of both ballast tanks maybe the factory valves are faulty.. guessing they're just overflow flapper/ one way type.. hmm OK or maybe gauges are wrong I'll check visually if they're full when im out tomorrow. and if i can figure out how to get voltage TO the pumps, I can figure out if I need new pumps.. aw man. frikn boats.


          • ljonSF
            • Jun 2015
            • 15

            • SF

            • 1999 CC sport nautique

            OK think these guys may be the culprit.. factory flapper valves.. need to be vertical to work properly? and I can still kinda blow through it even when it's closed/ sealed.. but wait they're at the top of the tanks.. so i guess if they don't seal at all the tanks will begin to empty as soon as i slow down some... hmmmmm
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            • charlesml3
              1,000 Post Club Member
              • Jan 2008
              • 2454

              • Lake Gaston, NC

              • 2022 G23

              OK, what you're calling a "flapper valve" is a check valve. The one you have pictured above is factory. From all the photos you posted, everything you have here is box-stock. The previous owner didn't change anything.

              In 1999 ballast tanks and fill systems were pretty new to the scene. The system Nautique put in was pretty primitive. The two pumps you see there are in-line. One is the fill pump, the other is the drain pump. With the ignition on, flip the switch right beside the white ballast control valves. One of the pumps should start. Try both of them. if neither run, you need to start troubleshooting there. If you're getting voltage at the connector, simply replace the pumps. They're cheap.



              • ljonSF
                • Jun 2015
                • 15

                • SF

                • 1999 CC sport nautique

                OoooK.. thanks for the info!!

                so I ran a few tests.. one of the full/ empty senders (or gauge) is faulty.. and the system is certainly not air tight.. I hooked up a hose to the intake and filled up the tanks, and water was leaking heavily out of the top of both hard tanks by the square plugs (the senders i think). and before that I closed the helm vents, and taped off the check valve vents and blew into the intake line. no resistance at all so big leak I'm thinking..

                anyways my plan is to re- plumb everything as the old lines are falling apart, then seal up the hard tanks hopefully fix/ get a new sender for one, then figure out how to get voltage to the pumps.. likely have to get a couple new ones.. but I could only find a wiring diagram for a 2000 SAN/Super sport - close enough? http://www.planetnautique.com/Correc...0SANSSDash.pdf

                so questions now are;

                any way to upgrade the sys so i have more left right fill/ empty control? helm vent valve sys. seems like a poor design..
                and does anyone know how to track down loss of ballast pump voltage? does the engine need to be running to get voltage? strange I'm getting tiny mili-volt surge when i flip the toggle switch.


