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You mean going from forward to reverse and not stopping in neutral first? Its like going from drive to reverse in your car - not good for the transmission.
You mean going from forward to reverse and not stopping in neutral first? Its like going from drive to reverse in your car - not good for the transmission.
You can't go directly from Forward to Reverse. You have to hit Neutral in the middle. I'm not sure exactly what Joey is asking here.
If you hold the throttle lock up you definitely can go directly from forward to reverse - the transmission locks up and the boat will shut off.
Are you talking about the lift switch just under the shift knob? All that does is keep you from kicking the boat into gear if you step off with the engine running. That's it. The transmission CANNOT go directly from Forward to Reverse.
I don't know what you mean by "the transmission locks up and the boat will shut off." I've seen more than one inexperience driver panic and slam the boat into reverse to keep from hitting a dock. It isn't all that pleasant, but there's no lock up and shut off.
Need a much better discription of what you are talking about. Are you
1) slowing rocking back and forth between forward and reverse while idle to pick up a rider and "tightening up slack" in the ski line without pulling the rider/skier too hard?
2) are you going from 20mph and SLAMMING the throttle from forward to reverse (NO idea why you would do this but it is an "option")
these 2 things are very different and at very different RPMs....so give and example of what you are talking about and this may help to better give you an accurate answer......