Fuel Issue

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  • skinaughty95
    • Nov 2016
    • 19

    • Chicago

    • 95 Ski Nautique

    Fuel Issue

    Hey guy looking for help,

    i have a 95 Ski Nautiqe with the pro boss GT 40. I'm having an issue with the boat not turning over. I was out on the lake when the boat died abruptly. It will still crank and wants to start but will just keep cranking. I recently replaced both relays with no improvement. It just seems to be a fuel issue like I'm not getting fuel into it. Mechanics are booked out to about 4 weeks. If anyone has any input or ideas I would greatly appreciate it.


  • Fgroce
    • Dec 2016
    • 179

    • Middle Georgia

    • 2002 Ski Nautique

    Are you saying the engine will not turn over? Or is the problem it engine will not run? Does your engine have the Pro Tec system or do you have the EFI with GT40 intake? If it is the GT 40 EFI like the truck, there is a schrader valve on the fuel rail going to the eight fuel injectors. The fuel pressure should be around 44 psi. If it is lower then you may have a fuel pump problem.


    • skinaughty95
      • Nov 2016
      • 19

      • Chicago

      • 95 Ski Nautique

      It turns over but just won't start and run. And it's EFI. Thank you I will have to try that. Almost think it may be the fuel pump after reading up on it.
      thanks again


      • Quinner
        1,000 Post Club Member
        • Apr 2004
        • 2246

        • Unknown

        • Correct Crafts

        Can you hear the fuel pumps cycling when key is turned on? Check/Bypass lanyard? Is this old fuel or is it fresh? Remove the FCC, if not full of fuel likely the low pressure pump. Check out the thread on CCFan in the FAQ section, "Poor mans GT-40 Diagnosis"


        • Tom_H
          • Jan 2014
          • 244

          • Minnesota

          Do you hear the fuel pump prime at key-on? If not, possible you have a failed pump, or at the least a plugged filter. As stated above, low pressure at the rail could be a pump or filter issue. When was the last time the fuel filter was changed?

          Also, check your kill switch. If the lanyard's pulled or if the switch has failed, it'll allow the boat to crank but not actually run. You can bypass it temporarily to see if the switch has failed or meter it.


          • Tom_H
            • Jan 2014
            • 244

            • Minnesota

            Ha, looks like Quinner posted about everything I did while I was away from the computer for a few minutes.


            • skinaughty95
              • Nov 2016
              • 19

              • Chicago

              • 95 Ski Nautique

              Thanks for the replies, I seem to believe it's the fuel pump. I do not hear the fuel pump cycling. And I did meter the kill switch that's not the issue.

