I think this may end up an issue I'm forced to take to the dealer, but I'd rather fix it myself if I can and avoid down time. There's a 3"-4" cut across the top of my front ballast tank in my 2015 230. I believe it happened at the factory during assembly somehow and has been getting worse since the boat was new-now that I think about it. I don't believe it's getting longer. It almost looks like a jagged edge of something drug across it, almost cut through and over time it gave way and opened up finally. The real problem is the lack of access. It's right under the walk-through, between the cabin and the bow. I've taken the floor out, removed everything I could and all I got was some bloody scars from shards of fiberglass edges that weren't ground down. Also found a lot of things (nuts, bolts, washers, tools) left by the factory workers. (even a pretty heavy duty nylon sling)
I tried using some marine JB Weld putty to patch it (had to use a long spoon to place it and mash it down) and it failed immediately when I filled it up a day later. I don't know what will permanently bond and adhere to the textured surface of a ballast tank. Any ideas?
I tried using some marine JB Weld putty to patch it (had to use a long spoon to place it and mash it down) and it failed immediately when I filled it up a day later. I don't know what will permanently bond and adhere to the textured surface of a ballast tank. Any ideas?