what cleaner for the hull

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  • richard
    Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
    • Feb 2005
    • 406

    • HK

    what cleaner for the hull

    the season begin, I fiound some yellow tinge few marks on the hull, (the whitew area )wondering if some body can tell me how to remove it, I had try deoxiddation cleaner ,no help.
  • JoeCos
    • Sep 2004
    • 291

    • Nor Cal

    RE: what cleaner for the hull

    Have you tried a mix of vinegar with water ? Not sure what you mean by Yellow tinge, but usually vin with water works great removing dried water spots.
    Boat - 2005 Team 226 -ZR6 - Several Acme Prop's (1234, 644, 1160) Depending on occassion
    Tow Rig - 2008 Chevy Silverado - Duramax Diesel - Crew Cab


    • TRBenj
      1,000 Post Club Member
      • May 2005
      • 1681

      • NWCT

      RE: what cleaner for the hull

      On/Off hull cleaner works very well. Be warned though: do not get any on your clothes, in your eyes or on any painted surface. Also be very careful near the decals- I believe the active ingredient is hydrochloric acid!
      1990 Ski Nautique


      • richard
        Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
        • Feb 2005
        • 406

        • HK

        RE: what cleaner for the hull

        Thanks for the input, the yellow tinge, is a very light yellow color like dying in to the gelcoalt, not like water spot, I had try cleaning wax,not help,Starbright Hull Cleaner,not help, on/off,accordind to your description,similar to beach, I'll try next day.


        • mgswed
          • May 2005
          • 137

          • Worcester, MA

          RE: what cleaner for the hull

          I was told by a few people to use 50% Hydrogen Peroxide and 50% Lysol Toilet bowl cleaner (The Blue Stuff, not the clear with scrubbing balls in it). Ive used it serveal time and it works great. It takes the pond scum and whatever else right off without any effort. -MG


          • richard
            Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
            • Feb 2005
            • 406

            • HK

            cleaner for the hull

            worth to try,thank you


            • clayk
              • Jul 2004
              • 72

              • mont.,al

              RE: cleaner for the hull

              use muratic acid first, that will remove the yellow in seconds. then follow by washing the boat and waxing . that will keep it from returning. dont worry about the muratic acid , it wont harm the gelcoat or the stickers.


              • ihaveansv211
                • Oct 2005
                • 164

                • New England

                RE: cleaner for the hull

                on/off is sick stuff, mainly acid. do not breathe that stuff in. i found if u use a spray bottle and use it in the wind it works better, just stand on the opposite side of the way the wind would blow the stuff that didnt hit the boat. or u can use a 50/50 on/off and water mix, the water does dilute the acid a little but it still works, grab a brush and go to town. but make sure the brush has a long handle, or u'll feel burning all over ur hands


                • redelf75
                  Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                  • Sep 2003
                  • 767

                  • NYC

                  RE: cleaner for the hull

                  Gloves and eye protection is good idea too.


                  • dave210
                    • Jan 2006
                    • 113

                    • jax fl

                    RE: cleaner for the hull

                    sno bowl toilet cleaner works great leave on for 3 min rins off contains


                    • Erik
                      Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                      • Sep 2003
                      • 653

                      • New England

                      RE: cleaner for the hull

                      2nd on the Sno Bowl. Cheap, easily available, and works extremely well.
                      But protect your skin, eyes and face. It is extremely nasty stuff.


                      • craigb
                        • Mar 2006
                        • 52

                        I can tell you from experience, the easiest and best stuff to use is Lime-A- Way, you can buy it at any Supermarket. Sponge it on, let is sit a few minutes and wash it off. We have very hard water here, I've used it for 20 + years, perfectly safe for gel coat and won't hurt your upholstry and if get any on it. Once it's clean, you'll forget how white your hull was.


                        • richard
                          Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                          • Feb 2005
                          • 406

                          • HK

                          remove hull tinge spot (palm size)

                          I received many idea/ experience from the forum, thanks

                          1) venginer max w/water it's easy to get

                          2) Muratic Acid, I can't find in dictionary for 'Muratic' that is a brand name?

                          3) hyprogen peroxide + 50 % Lysol toilet bowl.

                          4) ON/OFF (mainly acid)

                          5) SNO BOWL toilet cleaner

                          6) LIME-A

                          I'll try your folks idea and post photo and result.

                          I may need describe my problem more cleary, that tinge appear in the white gelcoat area like palm size or biger than a palm, looks like color change of the gelcoat, this is different appear on the back side near exhaust area the rust like brown dirt,that can easy remove by Starbright Hull Cleaner.


                          • Rick
                            1,000 Post Club Member
                            • Mar 2004
                            • 1250

                            • San Diego, Ca

                            • 1962 Keaton Utility. 2000 Ski 1965 Barracuda

                            RE: remove hull tinge spot (palm size)

                            Muriatic acid is a dilute form of Hydrochloric acid used to adjust the pH in swimming polls here in the US. LIME AWAY is mainly Phosphoric acid. Vinegar is 5%acetic acid. I would just use the acid you use there to adjust the pH in swimming pools. Straight. BE CAREFUL!! Use safety glasses and gloves. Have a hose running to wash off any that splashes on you. I would put it on with a cheap paintbrush and let it sit for 5 minutes then rinse well.
                            Nautiqueless in San Diego


                            • richard
                              Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                              • Feb 2005
                              • 406

                              • HK

                              RE: remove hull tinge spot (palm size)

                              OK,I understand muratic acid means 鹽酸 in Chinese, can get in hardware store,we use for clean toilet, I had experienced the pain by it, and broke my suit and jeand some holes, Thanks Rick

