Looking for some advice or experience from anyone who has done this. I have about a 6 inch scratch along the side of my boat where the metallic flake is. I am not sure if its through the gel coat and in the flake or not. My fingernail clicks over it but its not a gouge. My background has with paint is this. I have done paint correction and restoration on cars but not boats. I am aware there is a pretty good amount of gel coat over the paint and flake so I am hoping to fix it without doing anything to the flake. I was thinking of light wet sanding with 1500-2000 over the scratch, just enough to smooth it out, then a med-light compound and DA polisher followed by polish, seal and wax. I am hoping it will either take care of the scratch completely or at least get it to be less noticeable. Its a small enough scratch that I am willing to try since I have some experience with this and worst case will have to pay to have it removed if my effort does not work. Any advice would be great... the boat is reef blue metallic where the small scratch is.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks in advance.