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Experienced DD/ V drive drivers should not need thrusters anyway
Well there's a little more to it than that. Back in the 90s yea, you're right but now these boats are big, with huge gunwales. They really do act like sails making docking pretty difficult if there's some wind.
IDK about spending $10,000 to remedy this, but I do see the point.
For $20 you can carry a boat hook and also be fine in windy conditions. I rarely use mine, but its there if I need it. I can maneuver and dock my 24.5ft inboard better than anyone with an I/O. You just gotta learn how to use the prop spin to your advantage
I was at the Nautique Factory back in October and asked Ron Nace about retrofitting my 2017. He smiled and said "buy a 2018". I took that as a "no" for now.