Issues and answers on 2018 G23

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  • heel5man
    • Aug 2016
    • 150

    • Lake Keowee SC

    • 2018 G23

    Issues and answers on 2018 G23

    I thought some of these issues might come up for other 2018 owners, so I’ll share my issues (with videos) and then Nautique’s response through my dealer.

    1) Boat exhaust makes a ton of noise and spits up water from the swim deck at idle. Almost like it doesn't have a surf pipe. Our 2017 did not do this. I hope this is a defect and not a characteristic related to the new stern thrusters.

    Nautique response: This is caused by a new exhaust bypass port which is necessary to prevent the thruster from sucking in the exhaust and becoming ineffective. It isn’t a defect. Engineering has plans to improve this part of the system and these improvements might be, but not necessarily be available as an retrofittable purchase if they are implemented on next model year product.

    2) GoPro wiggles in rear mount.

    Nautique response: That excessive wiggling motion is not normal. I understand that it is probably the receiver end which has a defect. I’ll know for sure tomorrow. Submit a warranty claim for the receiver and pin (180179 & 180180 respectively) to get things moving, then we’ll amend or correct your claim based on which part is actually needed.

    3) Can't get GoPro to pair consistently. Here is where I am trying to pair the GoPro from the Saved area and it would not pair. This happened throughout the weekend:

    Nautique response: If ever you cannot get the GoPro to pair or connect, we recommend making sure the GoPro is deleted from the “Saved GoPro Cameras” list, then reboot LINC and trying again. The pairing process can be finicky and unfortunately this is due to the beta nature of the tools GoPro has made available for us to use.

    4) When I did get it to pair, I could not figure out how to turn off the GoPro camera's power and stay off. LINC would actually turn it back on when I manually turned off the GoPro unit. What is the correct way to power down the GoPro?

    Nautique response: As of right now, you cannot turn the GoPro off while you are connected to the LINC display. This is due to limitations of the tools GoPro has made available for us to use to connect and control a GoPro

    5) Is there any way to get volume control using iPhone over Bluetooth to work? On the 2017, you could turn the volume up and down with the iPhone. On the 2018, you can only control the volume with the head unit.

    It will mute the volume if you turn it all the way down to 1 on the iPhone. We use the iPhone to listen to music over the boat speakers while sitting at the dock and it was useful to be able to turn the volume up or down when outside of the boat.

    Nautique response: This is the way JL has implemented it in their radio. You can still control volume from a phone if you have an Android phone, but JL locks the controls out on the iPhone. The reason they do this is because the “proper” way to play music from your phone is to have the phone volume turned all the way up and then let the JL radio scale the volume. If you leave the JL radio turned up and use the phone to adjust the volume, then when the phone is at low volumes you have a lot more white noise in the system. This is because the radio is still amplifying the signal coming in as if it were a loud volume.

    6) Auto volume. In the 2017, you set the Min and Max. On the 2018, there is no "min and max" for Auto Volume. Any way to get a low end setting other than off? When you slow down, it just pauses the music on silence.

    Nautique Response: For MY2017 and on we got rid of “min” and “max” being shown to the user. However, there is still an “on” and “off” for auto volume on both MY2017 and MY2018 boats located on the audio setup tab (there is also one in the preferences menu). The way you set the “min” volume setting is by changing the master volume while the boat is at idle. The way you set the “max” volume setting is by changing the master volume while the boat speed is greater than 7 mph. The system is supposed to intuitively learn the volume you like at idle and the volume you like while running and automatically scale between the two. If this is not what the customer is experiencing, then please send a video showing what is happening.

    Sent from my iPhone using PLT Nautique
    Last edited by heel5man; 09-27-2017, 10:38 PM.
  • nyryan2001
    1,000 Post Club Member
    • Mar 2013
    • 1993

    • Lake Anna

    I'm spoiled with the surfpipe... I absolutely would not want to go back.

    so this exhaust noise issue is only those with the thruster?
    2019 G23 450
    2014 G23 550
    2013 G23 450
    2011 Malibu Wakesetter 247
    2007 Yamaha AR210


    • Nautiquehunter
      1,000 Post Club Member
      • Jun 2008
      • 2080

      • Flowery Branch GA Lake Lanier

      • 2008 210 SANTE 67 Correct Craft Mustang

      The technology they are using in these boats is scary . You are having problems now just think what it will be like in 10 years when the response is sorry we no longer support that system . I wish they would considerate on building a high quality long lasting trouble free boat instead of a cloned space ship.


      • xxrb2010
        • Jan 2014
        • 226

        • nc

        Putting beta version of software API or interface to goPro is ballsy or stupid. What will be the customer experience and feedback with something that is known to have bug, limitation and more.


        • Kmayotte
          Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
          • Apr 2010
          • 819

          • Lake Winnipesaukee, NH

          • 2016 G23, 1999 SN Python Past: 2004 SANTE, 1993 SN

          Being an avid Go Pro user (Session 5) it's no surprise it's finicky with the Linc interface. It's a CONSTANT battle to keep the go pro connected via wifi with my phone. Sometimes it just flat out doesn't work no matter what you do or how many hard restarts or deletions etc. I have learned not to get frustrated, put it down and try again later when it mysteriously decides to work again.


          • Bevostein
            Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
            • Jun 2008
            • 523

            • Frisco, TX

            • 2021 G23 2019 G23 (Sold) 2013 G25 550XR (Sold) 2009 216V (Sold)

            I would be upset about the exhaust/thruster issue and would not be happy with the response you received. From your video it seems very noticeable to me. How could they not have noticed this in testing and engineered a solution before it hit the market?


            • Skipdawg316
              • Sep 2014
              • 20

              Really useful list of issues and answers - thank you!

              I agree the exhaust issue and answer is not great and not what I would expect at all.

              On GoPro, mine is super flakey on connections in general as well.

              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


              • Tallredrider
                1,000 Post Club Member
                • Oct 2014
                • 1026

                • St. George, Utah

                • Red Metal Flake 2016 G23! Malibu 25 LSV 2019 2021 Centurion Ri237

                The exhaust thing strikes me as something that they did to fix one mistake (thruster sucking in air from the exhaust instead of water) and made another mistake (noisy exhaust bubbling up under the platform). I did not notice the new exhaust port in the pipe when I looked at it.

                These things scare me somewhat as well...this boat in 10 years will quite possibly be less desireable than a 2008 model.
                Last edited by Tallredrider; 09-28-2017, 01:41 PM.


                • jharris
                  • Sep 2010
                  • 243

                  • Michigan

                  • 2022 G23

                  Is this exhaust issue only on boats with thruster or all 2018 boats.

                  Sent from my iPad using PLT Nautique


                  • heel5man
                    • Aug 2016
                    • 150

                    • Lake Keowee SC

                    • 2018 G23

                    Originally posted by jharris
                    Is this exhaust issue only on boats with thruster or all 2018 boats.

                    Sent from my iPad using PLT Nautique
                    I believe only on models with the stern thrusters.

                    Sent from my iPhone using PLT Nautique


                    • Kmayotte
                      Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                      • Apr 2010
                      • 819

                      • Lake Winnipesaukee, NH

                      • 2016 G23, 1999 SN Python Past: 2004 SANTE, 1993 SN

                      Question on the exhasut/swim deck water issue. How is the severity of the issue affected depending on the ballast level? In the video it looks like your ballast is full based on the water level.


                      • heel5man
                        • Aug 2016
                        • 150

                        • Lake Keowee SC

                        • 2018 G23

                        Originally posted by Kmayotte
                        Question on the exhasut/swim deck water issue. How is the severity of the issue affected depending on the ballast level? In the video it looks like your ballast is full based on the water level.
                        I believe it’s the same, full ballast or empty. I’ll try to remember to pay attention on our next run and circle back though.

                        Sent from my iPhone using PLT Nautique


                        • sixcampbells
                          • Feb 2016
                          • 268

                          • Seattle

                          • Current: '18 G23 Past: 2016 G23 Past: 2014 G23

                          Any update on this issue? Do you have a fix? Any additional comments or ideas from Nautique?


                          • thomas
                            • Mar 2014
                            • 15

                            • United States

                            • 2018 2018 G23 2016 G23 2014 G23 2013 230 2008 236

                            Just saw your post regarding issues with 2018 g23. I have an '18 g23 coming in April (w/stern thruster) and I'm trading in a '16 g23. I have been on an '18 demo with stern thruster and didn't notice any loud exhaust or water over the platform at idle, but honestly wasn't really looking for it. I will certainly check it out when the new boat comes in and will report. Thanks for the heads up. To be honest, this will be Nautique #5 and I have loved them all. I feel like the improvements over the years have been pretty awesome.

