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Where is the blower motor on a 1999 19'6" Nautique? Mine is squeeling like a pig! I assume from reading it is a 3", can anyone who has replaced theirs give me any tips?
I have a '99 196 and had to replace the blower (and all hosing) over the winter. My blower was mounted on the starboard side front engine mount. 3" was the correct size for mine. Not the best pic, but it is the small white canister below the red wires.
Yeah, once running it will be the thing that's squealing like a pig.
Super easy to replace and the only cost about $25 on Amazon. I replaced the original on my 1996 SSN this summer. It had a squeak. I can barely hear the new one.
Like bwylie said, might makes sense to replace the hoses at the same time. At least inspect them to make sure they are flowing air out of the compartment.
Thanks to the picture from Baylis it was a quick change and new ducting makes it complete. I see the pneumatic starter on a 25,000lb cfm engine everyday....doesn't mean there are not any tricks to changing it.