The hour meter stopped at 999.9 on my 08 210 . Is there a way to reset it or is the dam thing broke?
2001 Pro Air Nautique
GT-40, Stargazer, 1200 lbs auto-ballast
Add a second meter?? Mike, You have perfect pass, right? Check the manual and you can find the hours in it, menu is not very intuitive but the data is there, if factory installed should match what was on your hour meter pretty close.
Yes, your perfect pass should have hours, thinking more about it if the Gateway is feeding the info to PP as well it may give the same bad reading as your hour meter. Be curious to know what you find. Check your PP manual, iirc you press menu and the up arrow together then scroll from there for additional info.
At least congrats on 999.9 hours of zero trouble from your 210!!! I would contact Nautique and request a new gauge. I think I saw this on a post that Nautique was doing this.
Sent from my iPhone using PLT Nautique2008 210 SANTE
I added a $30 inductive meter from Amazon when my Faria tach (or speedo) failed on the 2001 SAN. The sensor wires is just zip-tied around one spark plug wire. I screwed it to the fiberglass engine cover. Neat, tidy, simple and inexpensive and reliable (so far). Allows me to keep up my maintenance log.