Care of a Boat on a Lift

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  • DealsGapCobra
    Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
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    Care of a Boat on a Lift

    I see a good discussion going on over on Hull Color and Fading but didn't want to hijack. Here is my situation, I have a 2010 SNOB that still looks new (OK, maybe a month or two old) so I am a bit OCD about maintenance. I am now considering acting on the dream of a house on the lake with a covered dock and cable lift much like this...

    I am wondering if I can support my OCD with the boat on the lift all summer or am I kidding myself? I figure I can add tarps on the sides of the roof supports to keep the sun off of it but what else do I need to consider? Would you keep it covered? What about moisture? I think if I leave to cover off to dry I may end up with a bug problem?

    I guess I am looking for your experiences. Thanks!
    Last edited by DealsGapCobra; 10-25-2017, 05:47 PM. Reason: Edit to get the image to show.
  • ScooterMcgavin
    1,000 Post Club Member
    • Jul 2011
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    I'd recommend that covered dock and lift but add a touchless cover and you should be golden.
    2009 Super Air Nautique 210 TE
    2006 Super Air Nautique 210 TE
    1989 Sport Nautique


    • Wake.BC
      Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
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      Keep the gelcoat nicely waxed up and shining and it should protect it

      Sent from my iPhone using PLT Nautique


      • charlesml3
        1,000 Post Club Member
        • Jan 2008
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        I've owned a lake house with a covered boat lift now for 16 years. Looks like this:

        Here's what you need to know:

        - You will need to keep the boat covered, even though you have a roof. Birds can sit in the rafters sometimes. Plus you want to keep bugs out as much as you can.

        - These covered lifts will not keep all the sun off. You'll need to skirt the boat or do something to keep the sun off the sides. I do this:

        - Moisture isn't generally a big problem, but do NOT cover a soaking wet boat. If you're coming in late and you don't have time to let the boat dry, then leave it uncovered. Mildew stains are much worse than bird poop.

        - During the winter months, put three big pails of DampRid in. Two in back, one in the front. This will keep the mildew off during the winter.

        - Leave seats and hatches open when you can. Keep as much water out of the boat as possible.

        That's about it.



        • trip33
          • Nov 2010
          • 248

          • Odessa, FL

          • 2022 Paragon I 2014 G23 CE 450 I 2006 SV-211TE - sold

          +1 for everything Charles said. Instead of the damp rid I keep a small dehumidifier under the cover and modified it with some tubing from the reservoir so that it drains down into the bilge that way it does not turn off once the reservoir is full. I run the dehumidifier year round but I am also in Florida.


          • charlesml3
            1,000 Post Club Member
            • Jan 2008
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            Yep. If I was in Florida I'd do the same. Humidity is your enemy. Do you have the make/model of the dehumidifier you're using?

            One more thing I'd add to my list:

            - 303 Protectant is your best friend. Keep your vinyl UV protected with 303. I buy it by the gallon.




            • jslipher
              • Jul 2013
              • 76

              • Midwest

              I agree with everything Charles says here. I keep mine on the lift all summer as well. Mine isn't near as fancy as both of yours since it is just a lift with canopy. I use 303 on all of my seats and dash religiously, paste wax beginning and end of season, spray wax several times throughout the season, wipe the boat down with chami everytime we put it on the lift for longer than a few minutes, and never cover the boat when it is wet (use a fan inside the cover if you must cover it wet). I bought a custom cover from Evolution Covers to keep my boat protected from the sun and elements. It is a sunbrella cover that allows some breathability, but doesn't allow moisture through as long as it has good protectant on it. Evolution cover also set me up with removable side skirts (split in the middle so I can leave them attached when uncovering the boat) as well as a ski deck cover that slips on the back, plus I also had them include a transom cover. The whole boat except for the tower is covered from the elements. I will probably be buying rack and speaker covers from Speakersox for next winter. We do store our boat inside during the winter months though.

              *Another trick I learned is to keep rubbermaid tubs in the V drive lockers to store wet jackets. It is amazing to see how much water collects in those containers from the jackets, gloves, and ropes. All that water would sit on the carpet if those weren't there. We just empty the water out of the containers at the end of the day before we cover the boat.
              Click image for larger version

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              • srock
                1,000 Post Club Member
                • Oct 2008
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                I am in Florida. My biggest issue is been bug and spider crap so a cover on a lift is an absolute necessity. In addition, skirted covers should be the norm and not the exception.

                I made this cover and it has worked so well that I will never do anything different. I do have a simple bimini that I un-clip and close so newer bimini tops may need some thought. The cover pulls on in 2 minutes and if I am not under the boat house and on the trailer it ponds zero water. I pull the cover over the boat and step off the platform to the dock.
                Attached Files
                Last edited by srock; 10-26-2017, 10:52 AM.


                • trip33
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 248

                  • Odessa, FL

                  • 2022 Paragon I 2014 G23 CE 450 I 2006 SV-211TE - sold

                  I have honestly seen it with 5 different names on it. You can find on Amazon, at Target or Walmart. I think Amazon was about $20 cheaper than anywhere else. Still seems pricey but I really do think it helps. Here is a pic.

                  Click image for larger version

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                  • DealsGapCobra
                    Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
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                    Thank you for all of the information. Based on this I think we can make it work which makes me feel better about moving forward with the house. I'm excited, wish me luck!


                    • azeus17
                      Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
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                      • 2022 GS22 - Coming in July Previous Boats: 1989 Sport Nautique 2002 SANTE

                      Wow! While I applaud everyone's commitment to keeping their boats in tip top shape, I don't think it would be worth it to me. I also live on the lake, and don't get me wrong, I do what I can, within reason to keep my stuff looking good, but we use our boat almost every day. I could not imagine having to take off a cover, and then put it back on, every. single. day. It would honestly keep us from using the boat as we frequently are out for less than an hour (we do have a canopy on the lift). Realistically, that is the reason you are considering moving on the lake, because you love to be on the water, not because you look forward to all the extra work that comes along with living on the water, and don't be fooled, there is plenty of extra work.

                      Granted, my SANTE is an 02, but still looks very good. Summer is just too short in my neck of the woods to spend more time cleaning/covering the boat than using it. I polish and wax in the spring and then spray wax a few times throughout the summer. Wash in the fall before storage and then repeat in the spring.

                      If I were doing it all over, I would go with one of the automatic boat covers someone mentioned earlier. Those are pretty slick.


                      • charlesml3
                        1,000 Post Club Member
                        • Jan 2008
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                        • Lake Gaston, NC

                        • 2022 G23

                        Originally posted by azeus17 View Post
                        Wow! While I applaud everyone's commitment to keeping their boats in tip top shape, I don't think it would be worth it to me. I also live on the lake, and don't get me wrong, I do what I can, within reason to keep my stuff looking good, but we use our boat almost every day. I could not imagine having to take off a cover, and then put it back on, every. single. day. It would honestly keep us from using the boat as we frequently are out for less than an hour (we do have a canopy on the lift). Realistically, that is the reason you are considering moving on the lake, because you love to be on the water, not because you look forward to all the extra work that comes along with living on the water, and don't be fooled, there is plenty of extra work.
                        I think you're misinterpreting what we're saying. I take my cover off in the morning and we use the boat on and off through the day. At night when we're done, I put it back on but I don't go around and do ALL the velcro and cinch down the rubrail strap unless we're expecting a storm. The cover is basically just laying on it to keep the bugs out at night.

                        There is a reasonable compromise here.



                        • azeus17
                          Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                          • Feb 2008
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                          • Grand Rapids, MI

                          • 2022 GS22 - Coming in July Previous Boats: 1989 Sport Nautique 2002 SANTE

                          Originally posted by charlesml3 View Post

                          I think you're misinterpreting what we're saying. I take my cover off in the morning and we use the boat on and off through the day. At night when we're done, I put it back on but I don't go around and do ALL the velcro and cinch down the rubrail strap unless we're expecting a storm. The cover is basically just laying on it to keep the bugs out at night.

                          There is a reasonable compromise here.

                          Ah...gotcha, Charles. That makes much more sense. A dust cover seems doable. A full cover, cinched down with straps and side skirts seems way overkill to me.


                          • harddock
                            • Apr 2008
                            • 292

                            • toontown E-9

                            Shiny Streamers (similar to those we used to have on bike handlebars) attached and allowed to flutter are enough to keep birds nesting under a lift canopy.

