I did pull the carpet border when I floated the floor for leveling. Before I installed the GatorStep, I reglued the carpet border back down and then installed the material and took a hard plastic blade and slipped it back into the groove
WHOLEY COW! I think I might have just changed my plansI have A LOT more respect to all the restorations above and that I have seen! I just decided to take the last step and pull the carpet off the storage lids etc.......Unbelievable the gaps and un-square. Seems like a ton of work to get this in gel coat prep shape. I am leaning on re-carpet for a fresh look.....call me a pansy.....I'm good with that.....but it seems pretty extensive and another $1000. Thoughts?
Oh....and yes wave junky.....I have read all your threads numerous times! greatly appreciated! I thought I was a good hands on guy...but your steps seem out of my expertise....make me nervous to get into. Thanks again for all your comments
Rockymtnsurfer: I was in the same spot last year, I was committed and NOT going back to carpet. I've always hated carpet, it holds dirt and sticks when wet. It's a bit of work but, worth it in the end. Squaring up the edges is just fiberglass work. I cut thin strips of the coosa board and fiberglassed them into the boat flooring. Fiberglass is pretty easy to work with just messy and you have to be patient waiting for things to dry so, you can get back to it for sanding or reglassing. I spent the better part of the winter doing mine and then you learn things around resin and gelcoat too, they don't like the cold weather so, I would have to warm it up with a heat gun so, that it would workable. But, anything that wasn't square, I filled or sanded to get straight.
I really wanted to replace the carpet with Seadek. I decided the best method was to buy a new boat. Haha. I'll be doing the upgrade in the spring but I now have a 230, so the gel is already done. Just need to remove the sand and snap in carpet and install the new Seadek.
I think it's worth doing if you have access to the boat. I keep my boat an hour away and can only work on it outdoors so there are no options for me to work on it during the winter but if you want it and you have the carpet off, I say go for it.
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