2007 SANTE. PCM 330. I’ve got the two exhaust manifold screws back in, both knock sensors back in (one of each side), the transmission drain back in, the 9/16 circulating pump screw back in, but have a 7/16 plug left and can’t for the life of me remember where I pulled it! And yes I know I should have just put it back in when winterizing after water was drained. I’m 3 hours in and out of ideas. Please help!
When you say transmission drain are you talking about the v-drive. It should have a plug but mine’s a male square drive sort of thing.
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It does sound like the tranny cooler as mentioned before. It should be a black cylindrical piece. Did you use the manual as a checklist?
One way to ultimately find out is to check for water once you've started the boat, which is good practice anyway.
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