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Okay, I hooked up the battery directly to the starter. Then I hooked the voltometer up to the pos battery terminal, and the other end at the cable where it attaches to the starter. When I start the engine (which doesn't make a sound but apparently closes the circuit) I get the full 12.4 volts that the batter had. Does that mean the cable is bad?
Is there any chance we have a bad ground here? I'm really puzzled by this one. Take all the grounds off where they're connected to the block. CLEAN them thoroughly. I mean they should be completely clean. No paint, no rust, no nothing. Same for the spot on the block. Put them back and tighten them down.
Is there any chance we have a bad ground here? I'm really puzzled by this one. Take all the grounds off where they're connected to the block. CLEAN them thoroughly. I mean they should be completely clean. No paint, no rust, no nothing. Same for the spot on the block. Put them back and tighten them down.
Sure is, thats why the voltage drop test is so impotent. It can see what we cant with the naked eye. As in corrosion wicked down the insulation and eaten the cable away.