Hey guys I need some help. At the end of last year there were a couple of times I would hit the start button and the gauges would dance with a fast clicking sound but the engine wouldn't turn over. I thought the battery was going bad and would give it a bump and it would fire right up. Got it out of storage this week and it does the same thing but won't turn over. Took the battery out and went to have it tested. Read fine and the battery seems to be good. Everything works great with what seems like plenty of voltage. I even tried to fire it with a jump box just in case. Like I said it just clicks really fast and the gauges go nuts, but the engine doesn't turn over. The starter is fairly new. I replaced it a little over a year ago. I checked the toggle switch and the kill switch. They aren't the issue. Any ideas?
- Apr 2017
- 25
- Fort Worth, TX
- 2011 Sport Nautique 200 - EX343 former: 04 196 & Sportster LX, 95 Ski Nautiqe
Make sure your terminal clamps are on good, and not corroded. Some stater cables have a big inline fuse check it, check your block ground. Check your other fuses
Is the clicking coming from the gauges or the starter?
Originally posted by ScooterMcgavinIt could also be the starter solenoid, they'll make that clicking sound when going bad.
Determine voltage at starter lug when clicking and at battery.
That will tell you voltage across starter relay.
Sent from my iPhone using PLT Nautique
I took the battery out for a second time to have it tested again bc I didn't trust the first place I took it to. Put it back in and it fired right up. I'm still a little worried something could be going out. Should be a fun summer wondering when I will get stranded lol. I really hope it was just a loose cable but I'm 99.9% sure everything was tight from the first time I took it out. Oh well we shall see! Thanks guys.
It took me almost a year to find out why my 03 was doing the exact same thing. My cable to lead battery connector was corroded so bad it would spuratically work. I didnt see it until i pulled on the cable fron the connector and the wire came out all green. Never would have seen it otherwise. Try pulling on the cable with it connected tot the battery. Might just do what mine did.