Also just so everyone knows the boat did not overheat I did not give it time to even really let temps climb so all should be fine internally
Likely the impeller and/or thermostat....when you open it up, if impeller is in pieces, you need to be sure you get them out or they will cause blockage and you will have more issues. Especially if boat sat unused, impeller can get dry rotted, or the vanes will "set" and not move water right. Long as you did not overheat it, you are likely ok. If that hose burst, you should also check the other hoses really well and make the first couple runs (after new impeller)....easy and stay close to home just in case. Sure you already changed the engine oil/filter, but also check your transmission and v-drive oil, if milky then water got in there. Probably worth changing them regardless, the manual will tell you what kind of fluid to use,
Since it sat for a while, I would also check your fuel lines and make sure you change all fuel filters. Likely 2....1 in-line and 1 fuel/water separator. If you dont have fresh fuel, probably good to run some stabil (blue color) thru 1st tank or 2 as well.Last edited by Infinity; 04-23-2018, 08:06 PM.