This oil is intended to safeguard motors against assaults from gunk and erosion. It helps expel stores and keep gunk from shaping. It likewise diminishes grinding coming about into the enhanced execution." Keep this as a top priority. • When you turn the start on, check the dashboard for the Check Engine.
I live on the water in Florida and my boat is kept in my boat house over brackish water... the engine gets a good spray with wd40 after every use. The results have been great... I have used other products on past boats such as Corrision X and T-90....WD40 does a great job displacing moisture and does not leave the annoying film that is common with other products. I have other tips for a saltwater boat but that is a much longer conversation
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I used to buy WD40 by the case when I used mine in Salt/brackish. I would spray pretty much everything and it did a very good job of protecting. What was good about WD40 is it didn't seem to harm anything and it was still easy enough to wash off when I needed to change oil, impeller etc. I literally sprayed about everything in the engine compartment.
Once a year I hit mine with WD40. Don’t have to worry about wiring connections too much as it’s not going to hurt them. One thing I try to avoid is the back of the boat side of engine where pulleys and belt are because I’m afraid it will cause the belt to slip. Anyone have this issue or not worry about it and spray the belt and pulleys really good too?
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