Hey all - I have a 2015 G23 with a PCM 450. I am new to owning a boat myself and want to make sure I’m not missing anything out of the norm as far as maintenece before the season. Boat has about 120 hours and I was planning on changing oil/filter, checking v drive fluid, and impeller. Is there anything else I should be looking for or checking? Thanks!
My ZR409 has an FCC fuel filter (little more of a pain to replace but is necessary)....as well as the fuel water separator filter. FCC is not too bad to replace. Too give you an idea, this is what mine looked like this Spring and I only run ethenol free fuel.
Check your belt at same time as doing the impeller.
Mine is a 2014 and I replaced the ballast pump impeller this Spring, may not be needed but its something to check on while ur in there.
Above is fuel/water filter on right and oil filter on left (is recommended to change every 50hrs and i do mine every 40-50 and I date all my filters and write it in log so I do not forget and so when I sell boat, buyer has the log and I save all my receipts since I DIY everything and don't take to dealer).....
Ballast Puppy pump (also shown in above picis really easy to check impeller, remove the 4 screws that hold it down and then the 3 screws that hold the cover on (be careful of the o-ring). Wakemakers has the green impellers on sale not long ago.