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Anyone know a cross reference for the gauge oil pressure sender for a mid 90's GT-40? its been tossed and replaced by a manual gauge laying on top of the engine, so I have nothing to work with.
Dang, hoping it might be the larger one, which I think I can cross to an 84 mustang GT with 302. Was hoping to pick one up at NAPA in the AM and wrap this part of the restoration up.
So i opened the dog house back up for a 2nd look. The sender you linked to is there and has a brown wire connected to it. The one removed had a light blue wire to it. The back of the oil gauge has a blue wire.
Im going to round up a ford mustang or f150 sender for gauge and see.
The one Charles referenced is the oil pressure switch that if the oil pressure drops it sends a signal to the ecm,then the ecm puts the engine into the slow mode.
based on its size, it seems more suited for a idiot light or ECM sensor, not the gauge. Heading to the auto parts store in the AM to see what I can round up.