I have a 2016 SAN 230. We finished off last year fine and did normal winterization. Earlier this year I took it to dealer to have new water impeller put in to start year. When I took boat out today for first time this year boat started fine and if going less than 5 mph had no issues. However when I tried to give it more gas the steering wheel would vibrate and the whole boat too. I turned it off thinking something was around the prop but nothing was. Pulled it out and checked prop and while it had some rough edges on one or two fins nothing that I would think would cause the sig vibration. I tightened the nut on the prop and it maybe tightened an 1/8 of an inch. Put it back in and still same issue. Do u think if my impeller was put in incorrectly it would cause the vibration? When I just rev the motor without engaging drive it is smooth w no vibration. I checked transmission fluid at it is fine. Thoughts??
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