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I may be ignorant on this since I’m a new boat owner and have only been out on it 6 times. I added 750 bags from WakeMAKERS to the rear and every time the sacks were full, or close, the bilge pump breaker, I guess that’s what it is under the dash, would trip and not allow me to reset. Once I’d empty the bags all was good. I looked around the lockers this afternoon and noticed what look like breakers or reset buttons next to the battery selector. It makes sense that if the bag is full it will put pressure on these buttons and trip them. It’s the only reasonable explanation. Still figuring this boat out.
I used to have a boat that had those buttons in the back (2008 210). I don't think putting pressure on the buttons trips them. Someone can correct me if I am wrong.
There might be another, "only reasonable explanation."
I used to have a boat that had those buttons in the back (2008 210). I don't think putting pressure on the buttons trips them. Someone can correct me if I am wrong.
There might be another, "only reasonable explanation."
Are you sure the bilge pump is not going out?
Not sure of anything other than I was wrong about the buttons. Same deal today. Bags full, bulge pump breaker throws. On the bright side all three of my girls, 12 10 and 7 are surfing now