So just picked a 95 SNOB, first couple times out I noticed it seems to idle quite high on start up.
When it fires up it revs up to around 2000 rpm for about 5-10 seconds then Idles back down to 1000.
At first I thought it was perfect pass related but I’ve ruled that out. Also happens warm or cold and I need to wait 5-10 seconds to idle down before I put the boat in gear.
Was a California boat now living in Alberta Canada.
Thoughts? Throttle position sensor? I’ve owned a few GT-40 boats and never had this issue before.
Thanks in advance!
When it fires up it revs up to around 2000 rpm for about 5-10 seconds then Idles back down to 1000.
At first I thought it was perfect pass related but I’ve ruled that out. Also happens warm or cold and I need to wait 5-10 seconds to idle down before I put the boat in gear.
Was a California boat now living in Alberta Canada.
Thoughts? Throttle position sensor? I’ve owned a few GT-40 boats and never had this issue before.
Thanks in advance!