I plan to remove my hard tanks and install a much larger bag for my rear lockers on my 220. Has anyone tried to get the stock guage to work with the bags? My thought is to use a pvc tube that could house the sensor and would be connected on the bottom to the ballast hose and up top to the vent hose. See attached picture. I believe ut would work in theory but would liketo know if anyone had success.
The theory is good, in that the float on the gauge does not actually have to be in the "bag" or other vessel to work. However, when you fill and dump the water will take the path of least resistance. I kind of think when the bag builds up back pressure from filling it will then fill your pvc tube and overflow to the thru hole vent.
True, i didnt think of the presure as the bag is being filled. Wonder it you made the vent hose from the top of pvc much smaller if it would solve some of that. Guess it would depend on the presure. Not sure if i remember enough of hydraulics class for this. Either way I think the pvc would be better separated from the ballst hose from the pump.
I think your second sketch will have the same problem. As that bag fills the water coming in - i would think - is going to overcome a bit more and more pressure.
Love your enthusiasm. But you will realize you don't really need the gauges to work. It does seem wasteful and would be nice. But you just count button presses. You will figure out how many button presses you want to ride. Like 1 plus 30 seconds or something like that.
I might try it just for fun. Next thought woukd be to run the vent from the pvc tube back into the top ot the bag. This way the only way out is through the normal vent. Shouldn't be much work to fabricate and try. Just hate the thought of dead gauges.
I kind of disagree with the pressure thing. When the water is free to move about (2) different containers as you have it drawn, it will seek to be "level" or the same depth from one container to the next because of gravity. I don't feel the bags build pressure because that's the reason for the vent - let's air in or out. Your 2nd sketch looks the best. Give it a try and see what happens. Like you said, not a hard build or super time consuming if you have a spare couple of hours. If it doesn't work on the lake, I bet you could pull it out in 15min.