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I'm getting ready to do my first oil change in my 06 210. Anyone know how to cross reference the PCM oil fitler to a FRAM, or does anyone know the part #.
Use the Motorcraft or Mobil1 filters, they are simply better.
Start with the Motorcraft FL-1A, that's the one for my 02 Excalibur. I have a strong feeling they have not changed it, but I could be wrong. Walmart has them. Don't use Fram.
I've always used FRAM on my cars & trucks. Never had any problems. I did buy Mobil last time though. It's just that FRAM is everywhere. I can try to cross reference the Mobil filter from the Motorcraft FL-1A
Another question. PCM manual calls for 15W-40 SM. I have some Mobil Delvac 15W-40 SL I picked up at WalMart for my truck. Will this be ok? What's the difference between SL and SM.
Sure. I really cannot tell you about the differences in the oils. FRAM probably works fine, I just know they are cheaply made.
The Fram # is PH8, but I agree with Flux, use the Mobil 1 or Motorcraft. You can get them at almost any auto store, and I buy my Motorcraft at WalMart. :grin: Regards!!!! Mike
Here are a couple of links to some crude oil filter tests and an oil test. Basically the regular Fram is junk but dropping a couple of bucks for the Fram Tough Guard does pay off...