Had to float for a bit this afternoon in my 2001 SN 196 after it cut off out of nowhere..
turns out I have an "aftermarket" lead from the positive terminal on the battery to the keypad. Whoever did it put an online fuse on it at least. Wire was just twisted to the red wire in the loom to the keypad connector and loose. We trimmed and twisted it on better and on our way.
This boat has the master switch toggle at the drivers feet but the switch has no effect on whether you can power on the keypad or bilge or accessories. It does light up when the bilge is on from the auto float.
My electrical accumen is low so I'm having a tough time understanding why someone would do this?
i took a look at the back of the kick panel and master toggle. Whoever did it, covered in silicone..
I can't seem to figure out from the wiring diagram how this should be wired. IsI like to return it to factory
turns out I have an "aftermarket" lead from the positive terminal on the battery to the keypad. Whoever did it put an online fuse on it at least. Wire was just twisted to the red wire in the loom to the keypad connector and loose. We trimmed and twisted it on better and on our way.
This boat has the master switch toggle at the drivers feet but the switch has no effect on whether you can power on the keypad or bilge or accessories. It does light up when the bilge is on from the auto float.
My electrical accumen is low so I'm having a tough time understanding why someone would do this?
i took a look at the back of the kick panel and master toggle. Whoever did it, covered in silicone..
I can't seem to figure out from the wiring diagram how this should be wired. IsI like to return it to factory