So i just bought a 2004 sv211 (my first inboard, so go easy on me). I cant figure out how to fill the ballast tanks. Can someone shed some light on how to? Ive opened the T valve in the engine bay that say "launch control system". And then i opened the valves next to the captains chair and then hit the starboard, belly and port buttons on the ignition pad. I hear a noise but they dont fill up. It has fat sacs with the water lines ran to that. I can hear a noise and what sounds kinf of like a pump running but the guages still say empty. The fat sacs dont fill. Am i missing something? Ive also openes up the valves on that seem to be running to it also. Any help would be great!
Not sure if this valve openings by captain chair seem to work very poorly. I have also read they don't have the best history. I made sure mine were open at each tank and I left them open. I also have a fill pump and a draining pump for each bag. Seems like most people have changed this out completely and gone with one reversible pump....not sure what you have.
What I do.....if any relevance......I fill my bags while driving (My fill pumps are bad and am cheap!) and drain with the working pump. My draining pumps work....holding down the button until it blinks is the draining mode. I could very well be wrong.......but the gauges worked in conjunction with the old factory hard tanks.....sounds like you have bags in there now.....and I would have a hard time believing there is a filling sensor in gauges won't work anyway. Just a thought.
Sound like a pump issue to me....but maybe some of this info helps.
So the driving around helped. I got my port ballast to fill. Starboars still wont and unsure of belly since i cant see it. Now im having issues draining the port ballast. I held the button until it blinks but it doesnt drain, from what i can tell. Does it drain out the side bilge or back under the boat?