It's real hard to do. Difficult to operate a box ratchet wrench in one hand and pull on the alternator with the other real hard. Guess if your a puss and are weak then you might need a pry bar. If you can grab the fan and it doesn't spin then it's tight enough but then again you cann't have wennie arms to perform that test either.
Drag created by the alternator at full load that's interesting since the rotor segment's shaft is support at both ends with bearings pressed fit into the slip ring end and the drive end housings. Modeled a couple cs130's si5's and a few others, me personelly never have designed any of those, I've got my name on a few drawings GM owns and used to buy the parts and build alternator from thou so I might know little about them.
Drag created by the alternator at full load that's interesting since the rotor segment's shaft is support at both ends with bearings pressed fit into the slip ring end and the drive end housings. Modeled a couple cs130's si5's and a few others, me personelly never have designed any of those, I've got my name on a few drawings GM owns and used to buy the parts and build alternator from thou so I might know little about them.