Last eve we hit the water between weather fronts and got in about 6 sets before rough weather caught up to us. Some pretty heavy rain caught us before we could get our rider in so I was a little rushed. Turned on all three (self-primer) pumps, the stock aerator pump, plus the stereo was still on. Blasting back to the dock started to smell a burning smell. (OH NO, hope that isn't us!!). Quickly shut down and opened the hatch and the alternator was smoking like a chimney. Actually, it was probably shot at that point and the belt was smoking trying to turn it. The belt gave way and we made it back the (thankfully) short distance to the dock. Towed 15 minutes home in the rain and had a somewhat somber wipedown session. :|
Last spring I swapped out the 50amp alternator that came stock on my 01SAN with a direct replacement 100amp unit from my dealer. I'm 99.9% sure I installed it right and I thought it was running like a champ. Is there any chance I goofed the install? Could the alt have been a lemon or did I just hit it with too hard running a bunch of stuff at once? Figured I'd check here as to whether I actually have some sort of electrical problem I need to track down, or whether I just need to replace the alternator and make sure I baby my new one since they apparently are kind of delicate?
Last spring I swapped out the 50amp alternator that came stock on my 01SAN with a direct replacement 100amp unit from my dealer. I'm 99.9% sure I installed it right and I thought it was running like a champ. Is there any chance I goofed the install? Could the alt have been a lemon or did I just hit it with too hard running a bunch of stuff at once? Figured I'd check here as to whether I actually have some sort of electrical problem I need to track down, or whether I just need to replace the alternator and make sure I baby my new one since they apparently are kind of delicate?