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You have asked a loaded question and will get countless different opinions but I prefer 303 aerospace protectant. Buy by the gallon much cheaper than 32 oz pump sprayer
Babes seat soap for light cleaning. Starbrite mold and mildew spray plus sunlight for any mold issues. Rinse. Babes seat saver or 303 aerospace for protectant. Never ever use a magic eraser no matter what anyone says.
You have asked a loaded question and will get countless different opinions but I prefer 303 aerospace protectant. Buy by the gallon much cheaper than 32 oz pump sprayer
Haha!! I also thought that but wanted to see if there is a common answer for what is good or bad!
The detail guy at the Nautique dealer in Austin, Texas swears by ZCare LVP for vinyl cleaning, Star Brite Mildew Stain Remover for the tough mildew, and 303 to protect the vinyl.