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Today the engine cut out twice after a tight turn at the same spot during wakeboaridng, full ballast and passengers. Going quite fast for the pro riders.
DTC 1425
DTC 1325
Attached Files
2017 Super Air Nautique G23 Coastal Edition Crusader H6 Coastal Direct Injection 6.2L 2010 Super Air Nautique 210TE Coastal Edition Crusader 6.0L ZR-409
Another guy and I have had this happen a number of times to us. Make sure your strainer is clean. If that's clear, it may be an sensor or thermostat in the exhaust manifold.
2018 SAN G23 XR550
2015 SAN G23 XR550
2014 SAN G23 XR550
2013 SAN G23 XS550
2013 SAN G23 ZR450
2011 SAN 230
2010 SAN 230
2000 XStar www.mnspringride.com
I had the knock retard at limit warning as well when wakeboarding once. Shut down and restarted and never came back. I was attributing it to a bad tank of gas. I also have a 2017 G23 with the H6.
I had the same as thejean describes, except while surfing, on the same year/engine boat. It was indeed a bad tank and went away once we filled up again. I suspect the bad tank was caused by me adding gas from a new place with my usual place’s gas at less than half a tank.
Another guy and I have had this happen a number of times to us. Make sure your strainer is clean. If that's clear, it may be an sensor or thermostat in the exhaust manifold.
Thinking could it be it drawn some air in the system while turning since both time are at the same location after the turn.
2017 Super Air Nautique G23 Coastal Edition Crusader H6 Coastal Direct Injection 6.2L 2010 Super Air Nautique 210TE Coastal Edition Crusader 6.0L ZR-409