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Eight feet with the tower down, not sure with the tower up, my doors are 12 feet at the lake house so there is plenty of room with tower up, but only eight feet at the house and it fits folded down with Bimini, but it is fairly close, and know it would not go in a seven foot without letting air out of tires etc..
Eight feet with the tower down, not sure with the tower up, my doors are 12 feet at the lake house so there is plenty of room with tower up, but only eight feet at the house and it fits folded down with Bimini, but it is fairly close, and know it would not go in a seven foot without letting air out of tires etc..
Do you think it would fit through a 7.5 foot door with the tower down?
Do you think it would fit through a 7.5 foot door with the tower down?
I think it would, but I do not know if it would be something I would want to do every weekend. A couple times a year for storage would be fine, but I think you would have to let some air out of the tires, or adjust the tongue and push it in by hand. I could be wrong as I did not measure exactly how close it was, but I know I have 8ft doors and it was close enough I got out to check the first time I backed it in, and did not trust how close it looked in the mirrors. Should have added mine is a 2017 210 with a ramlin trailer not sure if some of the other trailers have slightly different bunk heights or not, with the standard size trailer tires which I believe are 15's if I remember correctly,