I have an '01 SAN. Has anyone done a write up on the Walter v drive? Mine's ok, but needs to be resealed...more than just the bottom gasket... I searched but may have missed it. I am a 30 year automotive tech/shop owner, with vast experience with manual VW transmissions, and modest experience with multiple others, including final drives on BMW race cars. This Walter unit looks very basic to me, but maybe there's some proprietary road block I'm unaware of. I'm trying to decide whether to dive in, or send out. Between shipping costs, and rebuild costs, it may make more sense just to handle it myself. I'm also a bit wary of their "factory rebuild service" as its clear, with all the posts I found regarding the bottom pan leaks, "factory" may not be so good. If they had just spent a few $, like $10 more on stainless fasteners, so much grief could been avoided...and, the bottom pan is only sealed by 4 fasteners, in the corners, and the top, sealed by 6--which is adequate. The bottom needs a high quality sealant, no doubt. Thanks for any input!!