I finally broke down and bought the gateway delete from Nautique parts. I pulled my dash yesterday and spent last night following the schematic wiring in the new gauges. It seemed a little intimidating at first but once you get going its not bad. After finishing up tieing the new gauges into their harness on an 06 the next step is pretty easy. Since the gateway box is under the steering wheel you simply unplug the box and plug those plugs into the new harness going to the gauges. On older boats the kit comes with an extension that has to be ran to the back of the boat where the gateway box is located. I updated my perfect pass to the new star gazer system last year so the only change nessary their was removing its power source(p15) from the old gateway box and hooking it up to a switchable 12v power source. I simply tied it into the back of my voltage gauge and installed an inline 5 amp fuse.
(Not sure why my pics are inserting sideways)
(Not sure why my pics are inserting sideways)