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My analog battery gauge hasn’t worked in a season or two. I am pretty sure the digital one still works (for this discussion we’ll say it does). Is there a way to test the gauge? Anyone know where it’s fed from?
Check all the gauge connections and ground for corrosion, that could very well be the issue. Many times you cannot see corrosion unless you remove the connection. Worth checking the wire to make sure it has power too, don't know if there are any breakers/fuses between power source and gauges, that is another possibility.
I am sure there is a way to test the gauge, I am not sure what it is but wanted to mention checking connections for corrosion since I have seen that cause issues for gauges and any other boat items multiple times. (I had some "popping" on my tower speakers last year if volume was turned up past #20 and it was caused by a very small amount of corrosion at the amp where tower speaker connections where). Once cleaned, no more popping at speakers.