2018 G23 Dead Battery - Keypad code not working

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  • HoopsMT
    • Jul 2018
    • 18

    • Montana

    2018 G23 Dead Battery - Keypad code not working

    Slow start to summer...just unwrapped my G23 and noticed they didn't disconnect the batteries when winterized. The battery switch was turned to Off. Flipped the switch to On or Combined. No power. Connected a battery charger, won't charge saying battery full. However, when I switch the charger to Jump, it gives me enough power to press the keypad to start. Assuming Batteries are to low. However, when I enter my code to start, it will not light up my screen. Would this also be caused by the low battery? or did the dead batteries reset to a default start code? Not sure if what I'm saying makes sense. Basically, after I enter my start code and press start, the screen should power on? Sorry new boat and only used it a few times last year. Of course this happens on the weekend when I can't really call around and get help. Thank to who ever replies!!
  • charlesml3
    1,000 Post Club Member
    • Jan 2008
    • 2454

    • Lake Gaston, NC

    • 2022 G23

    Same thing with my buddy's G21 this spring. Both batteries were completely dead. We managed to use a jump-pack to get the boat started, but both batteries had to be replaced. They wouldn't hold a charge. We could fully charge them but the next day they'd be dead again.



    • HoopsMT
      • Jul 2018
      • 18

      • Montana

      That’s my fear. We’re not exactly on a Lake built for rescue. Figure I’ll replace this morning and deep charge them for emergency spares...lol. Did it mess with the start codes at all?!

      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


      • HoopsMT
        • Jul 2018
        • 18

        • Montana

        Update. Batteries tested and completely toasted! Installed new batteries, all is good.

        Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

