Excalibur 330 Fuel System Troubleshooting & Info

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  • Skidave
    Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
    • May 2005
    • 697

    • York, PA

    • 2003 Air 206 Team Sold: 1979 Ski Nautique (Brown!)

    Excalibur 330 Fuel System Troubleshooting & Info

    Excalibur 330 Fuel System Information

    Based on the recent increase of questions regarding troubleshooting the fuel system on the Excalibur 330, I thought I would put together some general information regarding some basic repair and troubleshooting.

    Usual symptoms (in no specific order): 1) Not hearing fuel pumps prime when ignition is turned on. 2) Engine cranks but will not start. 3) Engine runs at idle, but when accelerating the engine dies or sputters and will not make it to cruising speed.

    The basic verbal description of the fuel system in late 2002 to 2006 / 07 boats is: FUEL TANK to ANTI-SIPHON VALVE (located on top of the tank by the fuel pickup line) to FUEL HOSE to LOW-PRESSURE PUMP to FUEL CONTROL CELL to FILTER INSIDE FUEL CONTROL CELL to HIGH-PRESSURE PUMP to FUEL RAIL ON THE INTAKE MANIFOLD to FUEL INJECTORS. There is a fuel return line back to the tank too.

    *Note 1: there is no filter installed between the fuel tank the low-pressure pump. It appears in 2007 / 08 a filter was added between the fuel tank and the low-pressure pump. PCM part number R080024A.

    **Note 2: the high-pressure pump electrical connection has an upgraded part. The original could have fuel leak past the fitting or show signs of wear from ethanol in the fuel. I am unable to find the PCM part number, but the part is available from suppliers.

    ***Note 3: inside the FCC, the small fuel line that connects the high-pressure pump to the FCC output fitting can deteriorate over time. The PCM part is R045098B.

    There is a fuse and relay for the fuel pumps mounted near the engine computer. Location may vary depending on boat model and engine year. The relay has an updated part number from PCM (R130011A). The fuse and relay are for both pumps. Why do they have both pumps one circuit? I do not know, but I can tell you it makes troubleshooting harder. You will not know which pump is causing the fuse to blow.

    The low-pressure pump feeds fuel to the FCC and high-pressure pump. The failure rate on the low-pressure pump is high. The time it takes to change the low-pressure pump is 1-2 hours.

    Adding the inline fuel filter between the fuel tank and low-pressure pump will prevent any large contaminants from reaching the internal mechanism of the low-pressure pump. Filter changing intervals are provided in your owner’s manual. If you are adding a filter before the low-pressure pump, possibly change it at the same interval as your FCC filter.

    When I had a fuel problem, it was the determined to be the low-pressure pump. I added the filter as mentioned above. I also replaced the high-pressure pump for good measure. In addition, I replaced my fuel lines just to make sure the ethanol fuel was not taking a toll on them. The fuel lines appeared to be fine; they were flexible, and the insides were clean. I am not suggesting the following, but I added a fuse to the low-pressure pump. This allows me to have a second fuse inline to help troubleshoot which pump may be failing in the future. The low-pressure pump has a low current rating and adding a fuse that is less than the 20A for the whole circuit is a way to help trouble shoot. If you add the fuse, you are doing so at your own risk. The last thing I did was check my anti-siphon valve. I removed it and sprayed it with carb cleaner to make sure there were no contaminants inside. I did not find anything abnormal.

    Having a fuel pressure gauge for fuel injected systems is helpful too so you can check your fuel rail pressure. This is a tool that aids in troubleshooting.

    Last edited by Skidave; 07-28-2019, 06:58 PM.
  • Skidave
    Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
    • May 2005
    • 697

    • York, PA

    • 2003 Air 206 Team Sold: 1979 Ski Nautique (Brown!)

    Click image for larger version

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    • Skidave
      Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
      • May 2005
      • 697

      • York, PA

      • 2003 Air 206 Team Sold: 1979 Ski Nautique (Brown!)

      Click image for larger version

Name:	New Fuel Filter.jpg
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Name:	Low-pressue Pump.jpg
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Name:	Low-pressue Pump Fuse.jpg
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      • Skidave
        Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
        • May 2005
        • 697

        • York, PA

        • 2003 Air 206 Team Sold: 1979 Ski Nautique (Brown!)

        FCC showing connector that can be upgraded.

        Click image for larger version

Name:	FCC Edit.jpg
Views:	4475
Size:	131.8 KB
ID:	590043


        • shag
          1,000 Post Club Member
          • Jul 2003
          • 2217

          • Florida

          Nice write up


          • shag
            1,000 Post Club Member
            • Jul 2003
            • 2217

            • Florida

            What is the white PVC valve with the lil nipple on the red hose for (under the FCC)?


            • Skidave
              Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
              • May 2005
              • 697

              • York, PA

              • 2003 Air 206 Team Sold: 1979 Ski Nautique (Brown!)

              Ballast tank drains. They originally had a plug in them. I added the valves and barbed fitting for draining and winterizing.

              Sent from my SM-J337V using Tapatalk


              • jstallings
                • Oct 2009
                • 15

                Hello, could someone following this thread help me? I have a 2007 SV211 the motor starts and runs smooth but performance has been dropping. I purchased the FCC filter and inline filter, last weekend and change the FCC, apparently my boat did not come with the inline filter from the factory. The new filter did not help the performance (perfect pass is off), the engine only revs to 3400 rpm under load, but will rev freely in neutral. I believe it is being starved of fuel... there is no difference in performance when the throttle is fully on and when it is push down 60% of the way. What would be next step to take, (pressure gauge on fuel line - if it is low pressure) what else should I check. I keep my boat on a lake an hour and half from home, so when I get there I want to be prepared to fix whatever is wrong if possible (need to order parts soon). Any advice would be great, TIA!


                • MTRBTR
                  Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                  • May 2012
                  • 485

                  • MT

                  Does it have the little prescreen filter in front of the FCC? I have heard those can plug up. It is a little black canister right in front of the FCC and there is a little screen in there that can be flushed or replaced.
                  2006 SV 211 (Sold)
                  97 Sport Nautique (Sold)
                  89 PS 190 (Sold)
                  05 Fourwinns Horizon 180 (Sold)
                  89 Fourwinns 170 Freedom (Sold)
                  75 MFG (Sold)


                  • jstallings
                    • Oct 2009
                    • 15

                    I believe it does! I will check that! thanks so much.


                    • MTRBTR
                      Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                      • May 2012
                      • 485

                      • MT

                      Let me know how it goes. I couldn’t get mine off.
                      2006 SV 211 (Sold)
                      97 Sport Nautique (Sold)
                      89 PS 190 (Sold)
                      05 Fourwinns Horizon 180 (Sold)
                      89 Fourwinns 170 Freedom (Sold)
                      75 MFG (Sold)


                      • jstallings
                        • Oct 2009
                        • 15

                        Really? I have never removed before does anyone have any tips on removing? I am also going to borrow a fuel pressure gauge and see if I can get a reading on pressure this Saturday, does anyone have experience using one of these gauges? Thank You


                        • MTRBTR
                          Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                          • May 2012
                          • 485

                          • MT

                          I could have gotten it off. It’s not that hard. Mine was especially tight. Instead of risking breaking something I left it since my boat seems to run fine.
                          Last edited by MTRBTR; 08-29-2019, 07:24 PM.
                          2006 SV 211 (Sold)
                          97 Sport Nautique (Sold)
                          89 PS 190 (Sold)
                          05 Fourwinns Horizon 180 (Sold)
                          89 Fourwinns 170 Freedom (Sold)
                          75 MFG (Sold)


                          • jstallings
                            • Oct 2009
                            • 15

                            I got it apart but sadly was not the problem, I am thinking it is something electronic now...


                            • MTRBTR
                              Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                              • May 2012
                              • 485

                              • MT

                              Did you have to take it completely off to get it apart?
                              2006 SV 211 (Sold)
                              97 Sport Nautique (Sold)
                              89 PS 190 (Sold)
                              05 Fourwinns Horizon 180 (Sold)
                              89 Fourwinns 170 Freedom (Sold)
                              75 MFG (Sold)

