I have a 2007 SANTE 220 with a pcm 330. We were cruising at about 15 mph on the lake and it just shut off on us. It will crank all day long but will not turn on. I checked the lanyard, checked it was in neutral and still nothing. New dist cap this spring also. I had it at the local marina but they couldn’t figure it out either. I am hoping to not have to tow it an hour to the nautique dealer but am running out of ideas. Anything else I should try before I make the trip? Thanks
Not sure if this helps at all.......Mine wouldn't turn over Saturday. Was checking it out while my kids was pressing start occasionally. On my 2003 SANTE I believe its the Knock Sensor.....bottom of block rear side....or more toward the middle, but I touched the wire while she was staring it. Its started. As we drove I wiggled it a little and boat would start to die and then keep going. Turned out to be a loose wire connection. taped it up and has started NP every time since. Thought it might be worth a try for you. D