Looking for some help. I have a 97 Sport Nautique GT40. It usually runs great but very once in awhile it has trouble starting. I've noticed it when I put the boat in the water at the boat ramp. It just turns over and over but doesn't fire ( like the kill switch is pulled ). If I pull the boat out onto flat ground then it fires right up. It also did the same thing after we were switching out skiers. It just turned over and didn't fire. I turned the blower on for approx 30 sec then it fired. Any ideas???
Check your FCC to make sure it has fuel in it next time it happens and both pumps are priming. At some point, someone smart on this board needs to do a troubleshooting menu for gt40 engine starting. As these are getting to 20 years old, we are starting to see components that need to be replaced no matter how well you maintain them.Last edited by rbalan; 09-03-2019, 07:53 AM.