I have been pulling my hair out the last couple of days trying to clear the Knock Sensor alert. I bought the CodeMate EFI Code Reader and connected it to the only 10-pin connection I can see (Yellow arrow in pic). When I connect it it is in the OFF position. I then turn the battery on, flip the switch to Run under the dash, enter the code and give the electrics power by lightly pressing the start button. All electrics work and the knock sensor alert goes off. However, when I click the CodeMate into the ON position I don't get a light. I've tried to reset the alert by putting the throttle into neutral and going from 0 - 100 - 0% and that does not clear the code. I've been back and forth with their support folks at Rinda with no luck. Am I missing something? The Red X in the picture is to show the ECM is a MEFI 1-4.
Look to see if there is a wire with a dead-end connector labeled "Diagnostic". On slightly newer 330/343 engines it is under the engine cover towards the center-rear. I believe that is where the access point is and does not require disconnecting anything to use. Worth a look.
With the help of the local Nautique technician and a few calls to Nautique HQ we were able to find the correct 10-pin connection as shown by the Yellow Arrow in the picture (NOT the one with the red X through it). It's at the back of the ECM and underneath! The CodeMate from Rinda was able to clear the code and all is right with the world!