The days of analog gauges are over. They're gone. You can call it "razzle dazzle" all you want, but it's still very functional. With these displays we can now manage all of this from a single screen:
- Engine vitals (oil pressure, temp, fuel, volts, speed, rpm, diagnostics, water depth, air and water temps)
- Speed control settings
- Ballast controls and displays
- Surf system controls and displays
- Stereo input selection, zone, tone, volume, etc
- Lighting controls
- GPS Mapping
- Other stuff I'm forgetting.
Doesn't matter. This simply cannot be done with analog gauges anymore on a boat this size. GPS mapping couldn't be done on anything but a digital display anyway. Towards the end of the analog gauge era, we were already seeing "gauge sprawl" with some of them being moved down near your right leg. There just wasn't anywhere else to put them. These multi-function displays allow the manufacturers to condense a lot of information into a smaller and more usable space. The displays can be context sensitive and shift according to what you're doing. It's not about lack of skills. It's about the presentation of information and the ability to easily manage the various systems we have now.
- Engine vitals (oil pressure, temp, fuel, volts, speed, rpm, diagnostics, water depth, air and water temps)
- Speed control settings
- Ballast controls and displays
- Surf system controls and displays
- Stereo input selection, zone, tone, volume, etc
- Lighting controls
- GPS Mapping
- Other stuff I'm forgetting.
Doesn't matter. This simply cannot be done with analog gauges anymore on a boat this size. GPS mapping couldn't be done on anything but a digital display anyway. Towards the end of the analog gauge era, we were already seeing "gauge sprawl" with some of them being moved down near your right leg. There just wasn't anywhere else to put them. These multi-function displays allow the manufacturers to condense a lot of information into a smaller and more usable space. The displays can be context sensitive and shift according to what you're doing. It's not about lack of skills. It's about the presentation of information and the ability to easily manage the various systems we have now.