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Working on a 1997 Ski Nautique with stock prop. Was attempting to get a 422 on it.
Used a C-clamp puller, tensioned up and hit the backside for ~10mins with a ball-p hammer. Did a few tighten down/trys but couldn't get it to budge.
Didn't have a torch with me so did nut/cotter pin & back in the lake.
The SV211 I just swapped for a 645, prop fell off in my hand. I've never had an issue with props until my Ski 200 which I gave up on removal and now this one!
I'm guessing the prop has been stuck on there for a good while.
A couple things I learned over my years.
Remove the prop at the end of each season just get a harmonic remover and it should just fall off with a few good taps in the fall.
Also buy an actual propeller nut and replace that every couple seasons.
And leave the nut on the shaft a few threads when you're whacking the propeller back so it doesn't fall to the ground and bend.
Basically, I soaked mine with blaster and got a scab of wood and hammered on it on different sides and angles along the hub (both directions )until it finally decided to let go.
Basically, it's fused inside there Along the shaft and you need to help break loose