I've got a 2016 G23 and the screen has gone totally black. The boat will still turn on but I obviously cant control anything;speed, ballasts , music, nothing. THe shop is about 3-4 weeks out to even take a look at it. They have mentioned it may be a loose wire or possible have to replace the whole screen. I hate to wait that long in the middle of summer if it is something as small as a loose wire so I am going to attempt tonight to check it out. Has anyone ever taken the dash apart or removed the LCD to check it? any advice or tips would be appreciated
its very easy , just four screws takes the face off around screen then a couple of alien screws, had to replace mine under warranty and then years later when it went blank, my suggestion would be to take panel off under dash you can see if any thing is loose.. either way is simple, if you had no problem with screen up until went blank would feel maybe something loose, mine took a whole summer to finally go dark, I was out surfing, had to-get manual out and hit right buttons to empty blalest and put in right mode to get home... it work! ..I was proud of my self...2013 G23 super air
2010 230 super air
2009 220 super air
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2005 210 super air
2003 calabria pro air